What 30 Years in Business Looks Like: Daniel Maddox Interview

Daniel Maddox Interview

Here’s the Daniel Maddox interview. Daniel is the Managing Director and owner of Evolve Document Solutions. Here, he speaks about business with Mick Corrigan from Action Coach. 

In this interview, you’ll discover more about Evolve’s unique approach to customer service and the photocopier supplier’s commitment to sustainability.:

  • Evolve Document Solutions was founded in 2011 and supplies and services multifunctional copiers and printers to businesses, primarily in the education and legal sectors.
  • The company differentiates itself by not employing salespeople and focusing on building relationships and trust through referrals.
  • They are also committed to helping customers become more paper-light and efficient through print management and document management solutions.
  • Future plans include expanding their software offerings and continuing to grow their team through apprenticeships.
  • Daniel emphasises the importance of building strong relationships with customers and maintaining high standards of service.
  • He also shares his learnings from his entrepreneurial journey, highlighting the importance of patience, avoiding unnecessary risks, and focusing on one’s own path.

Mick: Mick Corrigan here from Action Coach, and today I’m with Daniel Maddox. Daniel is the Managing Director and owner of Evolve Document Solutions. Welcome, Dan. Great to meet you, and thanks for coming along.

Dan: Afternoon, Mick. Absolute pleasure. Thanks for the invite.

Mick: Good stuff. So, tell us a bit about your business, then.

Dan: Okay, Mick. Evolve Document Solutions was born in October 2011. We supply and service multifunctional copiers and printers in the business sector. So, anyone who has the requirement to print and copy in reasonable volumes is our customer.

I’ve worked in the industry since 1995, and in October 2011, it felt like the right time for me to step into my own world, start a new journey, and become the master of my own destiny in an industry I’ve become very familiar with and enjoyed immensely.

Mick: Good, and how’s that worked out for you?

Dan: We’ve had huge success, Mick. It was very daunting in the early years, but thankfully I had 17 years of prior experience dealing with an array of customers, caring for them, and looking after them in our unique way. I knew what I was getting into, and I knew it would be a challenge – it always is – but we had a great start and have continued that success over the last 14 years.

Mick: So, what type of customers are you supplying, Dan?

Dan: Well, anyone who needs to copy and print in volume. We do a lot with the education sector – high schools and primary schools. We’re also very strong with our legal partners, including solicitors and accountants. Those types of businesses make up a big chunk of our base.

Charities, manufacturing businesses – anyone who wants to become more efficient with printing and copying and wants control over their costs.

Mick: Good. Now, it’s obviously a competitive market, isn’t it?

Dan: Absolutely. There are lots of options out there.

Mick: What do you think attracts people to your business? What differentiates you from the rest?

Dan: That’s always a good question, Mick, and I’m asked that fairly regularly. I think we’re unique in that we’re probably the only copier business in the country that doesn’t employ salespeople. That’s for lots of reasons, but we’ve built Evolve organically – the business is built on referrals and trust.

What sets us apart is that we’re content with our position. We don’t have to chase business or take on poor business. We look after our customers in a way that’s quite unique in our industry. We give away a lot in terms of time, service, and support, and that strengthens our relationships with customers. We’re not a corporate machine. Every second of every day isn’t chargeable here at Evolve. We love giving back and supporting our customers in ways we don’t necessarily need to, but we do.

Mick: So, things are working really well. What does the future look like for you?

Dan: The future’s really exciting, Mick. The copier industry has been around a long time, and we have a responsibility to talk to our customers about becoming paper-light, using less paper. Printing and copying can be expensive, so we also help with print management, document management, and making office processes more efficient and streamlined.

Over the last two or three years, we’ve gotten much more involved in software. We’ve even created our own cloud-based storage solution called Agility, and the feedback from customers has been very positive.

We’ve also got a super young team here, Mick. They’re keen to get involved in socials – we’ve got TikTok videos, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X. We’re really focused on showing our customers and potential customers our personality and character, and whether we’re the type of business they’d want to engage with.

Mick: And what challenges would you say lie ahead for you?

Dan: For me, the challenge is always about growing the team. We’re heavily invested in service. I have a wonderful team of service engineers and admin staff. It’s about bringing more people into that team and environment. I’m quite particular about who I bring in – the vast majority of my staff have come straight from school and gone through our apprenticeship programme.

We’ve got the Evolve Foundation running, where we train apprentices to become qualified engineers within four years. That’s been really important to me. Gaining more customers and increasing the size of the business doesn’t feel like a challenge anymore – that happens naturally. The business is the people within it, and I challenge them every day to be outstanding. Seeing them develop is the biggest thrill for me.

Mick: A positive challenge, absolutely. And it sounds like another differentiator with what you’re growing there.

Dan: Yeah, for sure. It’s multifaceted. At Evolve, we talk about being outstanding every day. I challenge the engineers and staff to go the extra mile. It could be answering the phone in a particular way or making every customer feel like they’re the only one we have. That’s the challenge – maintaining that standard.

Mick: Great success, great future, positive challenges. What about the learnings you’ve had along the way?

Dan: The biggest thing I’ve learned over the last 14 years is that things are never as bad as they seem. I’d encourage anyone to try and become the master of their own destiny. The rewards are fantastic, and the work-life balance is amazing.

I’m not a risk-taker, Mick. When I set up in 2011, it was my wife’s decision. Here we are today with a great business, great prospects, and a great team. Looking back, I realise there was never any need to worry as much as I did in the beginning.

Mick: Good advice. What’s the one thing you might do differently?

Dan: This might sound corny, Mick, but I don’t think there’s anything I’d change. The business was built without any financial support or debt. We took our time, grew naturally, and put down strong foundations.

I think sometimes business owners compare themselves to competitors – how many customers they have, their balance sheets, and so on. But your journey is your journey. We didn’t rush or take on financial burdens, and I wouldn’t change that.

Mick: And you are where you are, which is a great place to be.

Dan: Couldn’t have dreamed it 14 years ago when we started this path.

Mick: Awesome. Dan, thanks very much, and I wish you all the best for the future.

Dan: Absolute pleasure, Mick. Lovely to see you.