Evolve Document Solutions, lives by it’s name and continues it’s own Evolution
It has been almost 8 years since Evolve Document Solutions began. In that time we have built a business that our customers continue to trust with supplying and maintaining their print devices. As with any business generating new opportunites is essential for the contined growth of the organisation.
Not only do we need to increase our reach in terms of our customer’s, we also need to be at the fore front of our industry to ensure we are capable of supplying to both new and exsiting client’s the latest technology and functionality.
Evolve Document Solutions started 2019 with a office move and our new Software department which has been created to provide our clients with the very latest technology the industry has to offer.
Office Move
Our new bespoke offices now enable us to demonstrate our portfolio of hardware and software to both our existing and new customers. This provides a much more personal approach for them to have a better understanding of the type of business we are and who they are dealing with.
We have also increased our service department allowing us to hold a significant toner and consumable stock that enables us to send deliveries with our next day delivery service ensuring maximum uptime on your devices.
Software Solutions
In February 2019 we launched Evolve Software Solutions, which now allows us to provide software to further enhance your Business Processes and reduces your companies spend on print. Papercut which is the leading print managment software ensures you get complete control over how much you spend on print, giving your business the ability to allocate job costs against deparments and users.
In adition to this with the advanced reporting built into PaperCut you can easily identify devices which are being over used and strategically relocate these device to areas where the usage is less, ensuring the devices are all running at optimum perfromance. Get a personalised quote to see the potential savings your organisation could make with our Print Managment Solution.
In addition to our Print Management Solution, we also offer DocuWare a document managment solution (DMS). For 30 years DocuWare has helped thousands of Organizations transform paper and manual processes into digital automated workflows. DocuWare office automation solutions deliver smart digital workflow and document control that set a new pace for end user productivity and business performance. The solution can be supplied in an on-premise environment or a fully cloud based solution, contact us here to discuss your requirments or for a product demonstration.