Evolve Document Solutions’ very-own Daniel Maddox is launching his new EP ‘Effortless Duplication’ later in the Spring. It’s his own unique blend of folk rock with hip hop-infused chill out.
In his latest interview, owner of Evolve Document Solutions and Leader of newly-formed ‘The Evolvers’ takes us behind the scenes as his new UK tour is announced.
Q: You own Evolve Document Solutions, a successful Lancashire-based document solutions company. What inspired you to launch a second career as a musician?
Daniel Maddox: I’m sure some Evolve Document Solutions customers think I’m toner deaf. But I’ve always been passionate about music and performing live on stage. It’s something that’s been with me since I was a teenager. I started playing the guitar and writing music at a young age, but it was always something I did on the side.
Q: Tell us about your band, ‘The Evolvers.’ How did the band come together?
Daniel Maddox: It’s a funny story really. I was chilling with my good mate Paul Weller – you know – from The Paper Jam. We were stood next to each other in the print queue. He’d heard some of my tracks, and he told me he thought there might be an audience for them. Without his belief in my talent, I wouldn’t be here.
I asked him straight. I said: “Paul, do you really think I could be a musician?” And without missing a beat Paul said: “Yes, you scan!”
So I started a side project with a few friends who are also musicians. We started playing together a few years ago and clicked. And The Evolvers were born.
Q: You’ve just released a debut EP called ‘Effortless Duplication.’ What was the inspiration behind the title and the music?
Daniel Maddox: It’s always been a resolution of mine to inspire smarter photocopier usage through the gift of music. I was talking to another mate of mine, Grant Nicholas the lead singer of Feeder Tray. He said: “When I think of you, Daniel, I always think of productivity and efficiency; like ‘Effortless Duplication’. It was an off-the-cuff comment, but it stuck.
The music on the EP is my trademark mix of folk rock with hip hop-infused chill out. We wanted to create something catchy, and upbeat but with high contrast.
Q: You’ve mentioned that you plan to schedule gigs for ‘The Evolvers’ to coincide with ‘Evolve Document Solutions’ client visits throughout the UK. Can you tell us more about your plans?
Daniel Maddox: Yes, we’ve realised we have a unique opportunity to combine our music with our business. We plan to schedule gigs in cities where we have clients, old or new.
It’s a way to bring fun and entertainment to our business relationships. I also want to give back to the photocopying community that has supported us for so long. If you have ever photocopied a document, this is for you!
We’ve even signed up a warm-up double act: “Collate and Staple”. Big things are expected of them, but they’re managing to keep it together.
Q: What do you hope to achieve with your music career?
Daniel Maddox: For me, music is a passion project. I’m not trying to become a rock star or make much money from it. I just love playing music and performing live. If we can create music people enjoy and connect with, that’s enough for me. Of course, it would be great to grow our fanbase and play bigger venues, but that’s not the main goal. It’s all about the music and the experience of performing live.
Q: One last question: This is an April Fool, isn’t it?
Daniel Maddox: Yes, it is.