Office Document Copying: How to Safeguard Sensitive Information in 9 Steps

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In the information age, safeguardi sensitive information is a huge issue. In the UK, strict printing and data protection laws exist to ensure personal data’s integrity and confidentiality. Especially when it comes to office document copying. So, if you use multi-function copying devices (MFDs) – this article is for you. 

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Let’s take a closer look at the best practices for using MFDs in alignment with these laws, thus ensuring that your organisation adheres to the highest standards of data protection. (Read to the end for our handy 9-step process to ensure your office document copying habits don’t put anyone on hot water!)


Understand Your Legal Obligations


At the heart of the UK’s data protection framework are two key pieces of legislation:


  1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK GDPR
  2. Data Protection Act 2018.


These laws provide a comprehensive set of guidelines for handling personal data, whether digital or physical. They underscore the importance of protecting personal information from unauthorised access, loss, or destruction.


Reduce Risk at the Source


Print Only What’s Necessary


How often do we print documents out of habit rather than necessity? Encouraging staff to critically assess their need for a hard copy can significantly reduce the risk of sensitive information leakage.


Collect Documents Promptly


An unattended document in a printer tray can be a goldmine for data breaches. Ensuring the prompt collection of printed materials minimises the opportunity for sensitive information to fall into the wrong hands.


Enhance Device-Level Data Security


Secure Your Printing Environment


Implementing user authentication, secure print release, data encryption, and overwrite settings on your MFDs can drastically reduce the risk of data breaches. These measures ensure that only authorised personnel access sensitive information and that data remnants are not left behind.


Physical Security Measures


The physical location of your MFDs matters. Positioning these devices in supervised, access-controlled areas prevents unauthorised use and access. Coupled with a robust shredding policy for sensitive documents, you can significantly mitigate the risk of information leakage.


Prioritise Staff Education


Empowering your employees with knowledge about proper data handling and printing practices is crucial. A well-informed team is your first line of defence against data breaches. Developing clear policies on MFD use and what constitutes sensitive data ensures everyone is on the same page.


Strengthen Network Security


Keeping your MFDs’ firmware and software up-to-date, along with implementing firewalls and access controls, safeguards your network against external threats. Regular updates are not just maintenance—they’re a critical security measure.


Implement Audit Trails and Logging


Knowing who printed what and when is invaluable, especially if a data breach occurs. Audit trails and logging functionalities allow for accountability and can aid in investigations, should they become necessary.


Embrace Extra Considerations


Introducing document classification and evaluating the security of cloud versus local scanning services can further enhance your data protection strategies. These considerations ensure a holistic approach to safeguarding sensitive information.


Important Notes


While these guidelines serve as a starting point, the specific security requirements for your organisation may vary. For complex or high-risk data processing activities, consulting with a data protection specialist or legal counsel is advisable.


Remember, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is your go-to source for authoritative guidance on data protection laws in the UK.


Safeguarding sensitive information in today’s digital landscape requires vigilance, awareness, and a proactive approach to security. By adhering to the guidelines outlined above, you can ensure that your organisation not only complies with the UK’s stringent data protection laws but also fosters a culture of privacy and respect for personal information.


Checklist: SafeGuard Sensitive Information in 9 Steps


  1. Understand your legal obligations under the
    1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the UK GDPR
    2. Data Protection Act 2018
  2. Reduce risk at the source:
    1. Print only what’s necessary
    2. Collect documents promptly
  3. Enhance device-level data security:
    1. Secure your printing environment by implementing user authentication, secure print release, data encryption, and overwrite settings
    2. Implement physical security measures by positioning MFDs in supervised, access-controlled areas and having a robust shredding policy for sensitive documents
  4. Prioritise staff education on proper data handling and printing practices
  5. Strengthen network security by keeping MFDs’ firmware and software up-to-date and implementing firewalls and access controls
  6. Implement audit trails and logging to know who printed what and when
  7. Embrace extra considerations like introducing document classification and evaluating the security of cloud versus local scanning services
  8. Consult with a data protection specialist or legal counsel for complex or high-risk data processing activities
  9. Stay vigilant, aware, and proactive in your approach to security to foster a culture of privacy and respect for personal information